Hooray! Two hundred views, that's a milestone for this blog! And to think it's been up for exactly one month! Not only that, but people from around the world have found my blog! Thanks for the two hundred views.
Celebrations aside, I wanted to discuss my novel now that I've made progress in it. The novel isn't just a cliche storm of everything anime and manga, but rather, it's really a mash-up of some Japanese pop culture. From the giant robots, to the varieties of characters and stories, and some elements from other Japanese media. Yet, the novel was really called 'Animator's Dream', as the book was intended to explore animation and what makes it tick. It wasn't until I added these other elements that I felt that it was more than just animation; it was everything Japanese. Still, it doesn't change the theme of the novel at all. In fact, I find it enhances the novel and turns it into a reading experience like no other.
The audio novel that I want to do is also something out of the ordinary; imagine me alongside veteran anime voice actors that provide the voice work to the myriad of characters in this novel. This is a monumental achievement, for it is a rarity in the novel industry to have multiple voice actors involved with an audio novel, let alone anime veterans. This is usually reserved for just one person, and one person alone. This is a chance that I hope to get someday when I complete my novel, but I want to meet these voice actors and see if they approve of my work. Also, I have to get past the middle men known as their agents and other similar obstacles. Then again, getting my work out isn't going to be a cakewalk, either. It's not enough that I have to find a good publisher and/or use amazon.com's self-publishing service in order to get my work on the market. I'd have to find a good advertiser or so that dedicates itself to novels or books in general, and pour in lots of resources in order to do so. So much to do, and yet so little time to do everything. It'd take a miracle and a half to achieve what is basically the equivalent of a bucket list goal.
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