Well, this is pretty much the last post that I write for the year 2012. It was quite a thrill ride for me, let me tell you. A lot has been happening that changed my life forever in this year alone, and I am amazed at the progress I've made. Of course, I can't have a new years post without a resolution of sorts. So, without further ado, my new years resolutions:
-Work on my novel, except sticking to my 'finish one chapter by Saturday' rule (I've been slow with it and it's time I got back to work on it)
-Do at least one blog post a week (I haven't been on here lately, mostly because of outer issues)
-Get my novel published
-Focus on losing weight some
-Maybe open a YouTube account (I have lots of videos I want to show off)
-Do some more artwork, especially character art for my novel
So there, that's my resolutions in a nutshell. Have a happy new year, everyone!
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