Thursday, October 8, 2015

I know I'm learning Japanese: A review of Berlitz's Japanese Dictionary

Learning a foreign language, though difficult, has many perks. Not only is it easier to visit and live
in foreign countries, it's also handy to show off your friends and family. For an added bonus, if you
know of any family; friends or celebrities that know a foreign language they can have a bilingual
conversation with you. Again, foreign languages are no cakewalk but it's well worth the effort.

Companies specializing in translation have stepped up to the plate to make this possible for those that
are in need. Berlitz, the publisher of many a guide, is one of them. The one that I got in particular
was the Japanese compact dictionary. This guide provides people wanting to learn or write Japanese in a small book loaded with words from A to Z. It also discusses how to pronounce syllables and use the dictionary overall.

The dictionary I have, despite being from 2006, is still pretty accurate and helped me in writing
sentences. This is a big deal because I write a small portion of Japanese for some of the characters in
my novel. The words provided also detail exactly how to write them if need be. Another plus is how the book is small in comparison to other dictionaries, which could easily be used as doorstops if not fortheir importance.

In conclusion, this is a good dictionary to have when you want to learn Japanese in your free time.
That said, unless you want to translate anime or manga this book is just there for fun. There are other
languages that are more relevant in the international workplace, like French or Spanish, but as a means of passing the time and learning for fun it's a good little dictionary.

The newest edition of the book can be purchased here:

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