Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The digital medium and the future of books

I've started progress on another section of chapter three. While the book spans seven chapters, there are sections that segment each chapter as a means of keeping in line with a story line in a chapter. Segmented chapters is a concept I wanted to introduce in novels, rather than one big chapter.

Speaking of novels, I sometimes see people freaking out about how books are becoming obsolete because of the digital age, never mind the fact that libraries are still a requirement in schools even if the sources there are somewhat dated. It's not making books obsolete, but rather, it's adding a new dimension to reading. In the old days, it was a hassle to carry books because you had to take into account issues like watching your step or your stuff. Contrast that to having a Kindle or a Nook, where you can have an entire library or book collection at the palm of your hands. Again, books aren't going away because of handheld computers, it's bringing them closer to a wider audience.

Additionally, it's bringing writing books to a whole new dimension, now that people can write and produce manuscripts electronically. has a self-publishing feature for aspiring authors, and they even have a how-to guide for newbies. Not only is this good business wise, but it's also good for the environment since no paper is being used. Same thing with manga, or for that matter any other book based medium.  

I for one am grateful for this new digital age. Now we can read books without having to lug them around, and now we won't have to play the pick five books game ever again. If only people would just stop being technophobic towards ideas that can change the world.

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